もなちゃんの英語道場 ~TOEIC900と英語通訳を目指そう~

高校生/大学生/ADHD/学習障害/ニート/フリーターetcが TOEIC900 TOEIC990 を目指すための英語道場

虫食い音読(黙読)実践編 Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語③


まずは前回の復習から→   Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語② 


 Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語②


I’m the        I know that’s lost a quarter of a       in one year… It’s very       .



Simple can        complex.


You have to        to get your       to make it simple.


But it’s worth it        because once you      , you can move     .


答えが分からなかった人はコチラで答えを確認しましょう!!→   Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語② 



Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語③-1


Your customers dream of a happier and better life. Don’t move products. Enrich lives.



Stay hungry. Stay foolish.



I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.



Your customers dream of a     and better life. Don’t move products. Enrich    .

Stay hungry. Stay    .

I would trade all of my       for an afternoon with Socrates.


 次からは、虫食いレベル2(隣り合う単語も穴抜き)です! 頑張りましょう!


Your customers       a happier and better life. Don’t     . Enrich lives.

Stay hungry.      .


I would trade all of my technology for an         Socrates.



Your customers       a happier and     life. Don’t     . Enrich    .

Stay     .      .

I would      of my technology for an         Socrates.



Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語③-2


Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.


Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.


Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.



Remembering that you are    to die is the best way I know to avoid the    of thinking you have something to lose.

Quality is more       than quantity. One home run is much      than two doubles.

Sometimes when you innovate, you      mistakes. It is best to admit them     , and get on with improving your other innovations.



Remembering that you are     to die is the       I know to avoid the trap of thinking you       to lose.

Quality is more important       . One       is much       two doubles.

Sometimes when     , you make mistakes. It is best to       quickly, and get on with improving your       .




      that you are     to die is the       I know to     the trap of thinking you       to lose.

     is more important       . One       is much       two doubles.

Sometimes when     , you make    . It is best to       quickly, and get on with improving your       .




      that you are     to die is the       I know to     the trap of thinking you       to lose.

     is more important       . One       is much       two doubles.

Sometimes when     , you make    . It is best to       quickly, and get on with improving your       .



次回はコチラ → 虫食い音読(黙読)実践編 Steve Jobsの名言で学ぶ英語④



↓↓↓ 一度、道場の修行方針のページものぞいてみてください。 ↓↓↓






↓ のリンクから参考書などを購入していただけると筆者に一部が収益として入ります。

Amazon 検索ワード「英語」→  https://amzn.to/3f12Ks2

Amazon 検索ワード「英文法 上級」→  https://amzn.to/3f14cuu

      ↑ 応援よろしくお願いします。 ↑


TOEICの定期試験既出問題集2 1000 Reading(リーディング) All New最新既出10回 出題機関の独占提供 ¥3,800

TOEICの定期試験既出問題集2 1000 Listening(リスニング) ALL New最新既出10回 出題機関の独占提供 ¥3,800 




     ↑ 応援よろしくお願いします。 ↑